
Ola Onabule, the Estonian TV Girl's Choir & Villu Veski

6. April 2014 southbank centre (

On Sunday April 6th Estonian folk music was infused with jazz and soul in a special collaboration. Ola Onabule, leading Estonian saxophonist Villu Veski and The Estonian TV Girls’ Choir performed together for the first time in the UK.

Link to the article

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SHMF "Songs of Change"

4.08.2013 Schleswig-Holstein Magazin

The media report from Schleswig-Holstein Festival about Estonian TV Girls Choir.

Link for the video:

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Fondazione Guido d'Arezzo feedback for Estonian TV Girls Choir


L’Estonian TV Girls’ Choir ha creato un nuovo modo di fare musica corale, esaltando il suono con i movimenti scenici, che del suono divengono parte integrante e amplificazione.
Da sempre ha curato la ricerca nell’ambito della musica estone, nel rispetto della tradizione pur suggerendo nuovi spazi a compositori contemporanei, cui ha offerto un ottimo terreno per la sperimentazione di nuovi linguaggi globali dell’arte.


The Estonian TV Girls’ Choir has created a new way of choral music, enhancing the sound with the stage movements, which become part of the sound and amplification.
They always took care of the research in the Estonian music, respecting tradition while suggesting new areas to contemporary composers, which offered an excellent ground for experimentation with new languages global art.

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Imogen Heap and the Holst Singers at the Roundhouse

26. veebruar 2012 Bachtrack ( Autor: Paul Kilbey.

To the article link.

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Review of concert on 23rd April 2008 Schaffhausen (Šveits) Münsters Chruch


Verzaubertes Münster

Schon wenige Töne nach dem Einzug der weiss gewandeten Sängerinnen des Mädchenchores des Estnischen Fernsehens war es klar:

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